Monday, July 21, 2014

Penning It

I received a letter (yeah the pen and paper one) today from one of my juniors and she had written to me some most lovely things and it made me smile non-stop.
In this era of emails, IM’s, calls, skype, etc.  people don’t write to each other as often as they used to.
I for one have been a lover of writing letters, despite my awful handwriting; I have always maintained that writing long letters is the most personalized form of communication.
I started initially by writing to my cousins, growing up we were scattered and did not meet as often as we liked therefore long letters was a way to let each other know how things were going, of-course the luxury of phone calls was reserved for the elders in the house and also most of the stuff could not be discussed in adult supervision and each letter would be labelled with disclaimer such as only to be opened by the receiver, private and confidential and what not!
Then during the later years I used to listen to this show on FM that used to come late at night and used to play the recent English numbers but what was more unique of the show was that in the show people used to write letters to their pen pals through the show and I used to find the idea very romantic. The language of the letters, the fun and the way the RJ read them made up for a beautiful presentation. I could never muster up the courage to write into the show, for I felt the others writing in were so refined and eloquent that I would come across as a fool.
I did later have few pen pals and three of them I continue to write to, first one being from Philippines, another from Ukraine and the third one from Canada.
The thrill of tearing away the sealed envelope to find out the contents is something that is not to be explained but to be experienced.  I vie for this mean of communication!




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